
Riff: Soundgarden – “A Thousand Days Before”

Nov 12, 2012

Now a thousand days have gone again like the sun and moon at war

from A Thousand Days Before lyrics by Soundgarden

“A Thousand Days Before” stands out with its mystic Indian Raga feel and sitar-esque background pads. Cornell’s voice seems less dated here, and his earthy imagery suits the eastern bounce, with a climactic trumpet as the cherry on top. Equally attractive to jam-band fans as it is SG followers.

Riff by Karl Ernest

Karl is a Seattle-based musician and writer at SONGLYRICS; a veteran of both east and west-coast scenes, he has performed with the likes of The Ying Yang Twins, David Arquette, Wynton Marsalis, among others. But he's no stranger to seedy dives or house shows, either.

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