
Riff: Jose Gonzalez – “Every Age”

Feb 17, 2015

Every age has its turn/Every branch of the tree has to learn/Learn to crawl/Find its way/Make the best of this short good stay

from Every Age lyrics by Jose Gonzalez

While wisdom abounds in this track, it’s undeniably a cheesy bit of wisdom. So far, this is the best example of “campfire music” onto which the cynic can latch. Once again, to get the message across, Gonzalez uses “seed,” “tree” and “farm” metaphors, further emphasizing nature.

Riff by Karl Ernest

Karl is a Seattle-based musician and writer at SONGLYRICS; a veteran of both east and west-coast scenes, he has performed with the likes of The Ying Yang Twins, David Arquette, Wynton Marsalis, among others. But he's no stranger to seedy dives or house shows, either.

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