
Riff: Converge – “Veins and Veils”

Nov 16, 2012

Gripped the thorns of the rose/To cherish the beautiful pain it holds

from Veins and Veils lyrics by Converge

In two or three poetic lines (including the featured lyric), vocalist Jacob Bannon has summed up the entire appeal of Converge. It’s harsh, it’s abrasive, and it takes a certain masochism to appreciate. Yet, as he continues, “at least we know it’s pure.” Amen.

Riff by Karl Ernest

Karl is a Seattle-based musician and writer at SONGLYRICS; a veteran of both east and west-coast scenes, he has performed with the likes of The Ying Yang Twins, David Arquette, Wynton Marsalis, among others. But he's no stranger to seedy dives or house shows, either.

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