
The Choir Of St John's College, Cambridge - Hear My Prayer (Choral Favourites) (St John's College Choir Feat. Conductor George Guest) Album

Artist: The Choir of St John's College, Cambridge

Album: Hear My Prayer (Choral Favourites) (St John's College Choir Feat. Conductor George Guest)

Hear My Prayer (Choral Favourites) (St John's College Choir feat. conductor George Guest) Lyrics The Choir of St John's College, Cambridge
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The Choir of St John's College, Cambridge - Hear My Prayer (Choral Favourites) (St John's College Choir feat. conductor George Guest) Album Lyrics
1.Hear My Prayer ("O for the wings of a dove"), hymn for soprano, chorus & organ or orchestra in G major Lyrics

The Choir of St John's College, Cambridge Lyrics provided by SongLyrics.com

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