Speaking to the Hollywood Reporter at Billboard‘s annual Music Awards this past Sunday, prior to nabbing an award for “Top Social Artist,” Justin Bieber got to confessing about a particular lyric from his forthcoming album Believe (June 19) that validates his run at being a performer. Get your sad face ready. Apparently he wanted to quit the game altogether: “There were so many times when I just wanted to say, ‘Enough is enough, I don’t want to do this anymore’,” said the Biebs, further claiming that the title track from said album and the line “you kept my heart from falling” is “so important” to him “because it’s about my fans and how much they’ve helped me. They really have kept my heart from falling because they’ve always been there and supported me and cheered me on.” So there you have it, Bieber fans, if you believe, the Biebs will prevail. In the interim, “say hello to falsetto” and all the things you’d do with the “money” in his hands that he’d like to “blow:”