Genre: Rock
The Foo Fighters are an American alternative rock band originally formed in 1994 by former Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl as a one-man project following the dissolution of his previous band. The band got its name from the UFOs and various aerial phenomena that were reported by Allied aircraft pilots in World War II, which were known collectively as foo fighters. Prior to the release of the Foo Fighters' 1995 debut album Foo Fighters, which featured Grohl as the only official member, Grohl drafted bassist Nate Mendel and drummer William Goldsmith, both formerly of Sunny Day Real Estate, as well as fellow Nirvana touring bandmate Pat Smear as guitarist to complete the lineup. The band began with performances in Portland, Oregon before gaining popularity. Goldsmith quit during the recording of the group's second album, The Colour and the Shape (1997) when most of the drum parts were re-recorded by Grohl himself. Smear's departure followed soon afterward. They were replaced by Taylor Hawkins and Franz Stahl, respectively, although Stahl was fired before the recording of the group's third album, There Is Nothing Left to Lose (1999).
1 | The xx |
2 | Led Zeppelin |
3 | Bob Dylan |
4 | Queen |
5 | Elvis Presley |
6 | Pearl Jam |
7 | Prince |
8 | Elton John |
9 | Pink Floyd |
10 | The Rolling Stones |